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Spring Liver Cleanse and Detox

Spring Liver Cleanse and Detox

Spring Liver Cleanse & Detox

Spring is the season of wood in Chinese Medicine and includes the function of the liver and the gallbladder. The life force energy of wood in the Spring pushes plants to the surface of the Earth. This forward and upward energy is what gives us motivation to reach for our goals and pursue our creative visions. When the blood is loaded with toxins that tend to build up in the winter the liver becomes sluggish and cannot carry oxygen and nutrients effectively to where they are needed throughout the body. We feel fatigued and experience slow brain cognition.

The liver stores and regulates the blood and is responsible for nourishing every cell in our body.

The liver plays a significant role in circulating insulin by the release of glucose into the bloodstream.  If liver function is poor, then insulin deregulation can cause the body to be less efficient in burning body fat and causing sugar and carbohydrate cravings.

The liver works hard and performs many important functions in the body including detoxification, metabolism, hormone regulation, and it filters, regulates, and stores blood.  Stress, poor diet, and over-medication are common contributors to health issues in our modern, stressful lifestyle.

Symptoms of poor liver function that could benefit from doing a Liver Cleanse & Detox:


•  Slow metabolism, weight gain or suffering from obesity.

•  Low energy and chronic fatigue.

•  Autoimmune disorders.

•  Diabetes or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

•  Digestive symptoms.

•  Gallstones and/or hepatitis.

•  Thyroid condition.

•  Hormone regulation.

•  Menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea, fibromyalgia.

•  Psoriasis, eczema and skin rashes.

•  High cholesterol.

•  Difficulty sleeping.

•  Over use of alcohol, drugs, or anabolic steroids.

•  Long term use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

An effective liver cleanse and detox includes supportive herbs that move energy in the body and fight bacteria, fungus (yeast overgrowth), and parasites, and works to eliminate free radical damage from the cells (antioxidant). Some well know herbs for cleansing include; Oregon Grape root, Burdock root, Olive Leaf, Yellow dock root, Dandelion root, Black Walnut, Mugwort.

Cleansing the body is a fine balance of elimination while nourishing the blood with nutrient rich herbs like Dandelion leaf, Nettles, and other GREEN plants like wheat grass and green algae.

Seaweeds are also excellent blood builders, due to their rich mineral content.

                                                                                   Lenore Anderson, Clinical Herbalist.


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